
Mold industry rise to steel localization

Column:Industrial News Time:2011-05-10
The face of the financial crisis, the State Council adopted the" equipment manufacturing industry restructuring and revitalization plan" to improve die and manufacturing equipment and technology level as its key content

The face of the financial crisis, the State Council adopted the" equipment manufacturing industry restructuring and revitalization plan" to improve die and manufacturing equipment and technology level as its key content, in the country of 16 great science and technology special equipment based on functional components in the mold special project, but also reflects the mold industry in the manufacturing industry occupies the important position. Senior industry expert Luo Baihui thought, a series of central boost domestic demand stimulus plan is to suffer mold Market opportunities.


How to seize the 4 trillion yuan in total investment construction project opportunities, into a mold industry honest order? Luo Baihui thinks, unprecedented opportunities, China mold industry development is the most fundamental problem is to solve the mold and die materials related technology backward current situation.


New opportunities brought about new challengesInternational Association of steel mold committee expert Li Guangchao thought, the properties of die materials, quality and breed tend to affect the quality of mold, service life and cost, domestic steel mold and foreign imports of steel, regardless of the quality or specifications, have bigger difference. Auto mould as an example, China's automotive industry and the rapid development of industry of die mold material quantity, quality, variety and performance aspects of raised taller, updated requirement, such as high standard mold steel user requirements material has a very good impact toughness, residual elements control, high quality, long life etc.. While the domestic die steel because of the variety, specification, quality and performance reasons, and the advanced international level to still have certain difference, causes our country every year 25%, high-grade mould must be imported from abroad.


International Mould Association Deputy Secretary-General Wang Jinling argues, a car from the microelectronic component to the vehicle body, tires, including plastic, glass, copper, aluminum, iron and various different strength and surface state of the parts, and that any one auto parts production process, if the requirements of each component of the physical properties, appearance quality fully meet the design requirements, mold quality must be guaranteed. User requirements mold mold first not whole complete failure, which requires the mold not integral cracking. Secondly, the mold the production of user requirements of the first and the last parts auto parts have the same physical properties, appearance and dimension tolerances, and mold materials must ensure that sufficient strength.


Wang Jinling said, with the lightweight of automobile development, die-casting production tends to adopt higher pressure, more automated die-casting machine to produce, therefore, die working conditions worsened, which requires the mold material and good red hardness ( yield strength ) and extension ( plasticity ).


State Key Laboratory of Dongguan mold Center Deputy Chief week to think, die steel is distress mold manufacturers of a problem, especially for those large and medium-sized mold manufacturers. For example, large module mold steel, domestic steel mold washability and reliability is low, cannot satisfy the time requirement of the project is very tight, so mold manufacturers have to use expensive imported mold steel.


Die steel is homebred change urgently   In the face of just the rise of the huge market, domestic iron and steel enterprises are full of feeling and embarrassment: at present, domestic steel mold can not meet all the needs of domestic die industry. China Die Mold Industry Association materials committee responsible person pointed out, the domestic steel market has lagged behind the development of mould industry, are not well adapted to the demand of mould manufacturing industry, main show is in the following respects:


The first is the die steel production process backward, poor quality of steel. Such as domestic universal die steel H13, D2, LD and other varieties of intrinsic quality can reach the United States die steel GM standard astma681, belongs to the international average level, can basically meet the domestic and foreign general mold users. But for high standard mold steel users demands, such as impact toughness, carbide low offset residual elements control, high quality requirement for a long life and so on, is still unable to meet the. Such as cold working die steel requirement under the condition of low temperature with resistance to abrasion, resistance to plastic fucked shape, breakage resistance, resistance to cracking, angle of the whole machine processing and grinding of various properties. Plastic die steel with high finish surface, corrosion resistance, wear resistance, high thermal conductivity, machining, polishing, etching performance.


International Mould Association Deputy Secretary-General Wang Jinling said, the hardened steel die life of 160 ~ 3000000 times, the only 50 ~ 1000000 times, a hardened steel die life is only half of the domestic foreign. The quality of steel is the cause of this condition is one reason. In addition, new varieties of domestic die steel. In recent years, some foreign famous die steel production enterprises developed many new products such as die steel, high strength and high toughness steel mold, dh13, dh53, flame hardening die steel, powder metallurgy cold work die steel, these high performance die steel has become the International Mold Market typical brand products. In contrast, domestic high performance die steel die steel products less, development of new varieties of less.


There is no complete varieties and specifications. For example for die steel dosage of 60% plastic die steel, alloy tool steel standard in our country, only two grade, while the United States has 7 grades, and formed a relatively complete steel series. Beautiful, day, law and Switzerland and other countries, has been in the cold work die steel and hot die steel formed in series, only hot work die steel has 6 stereotypes of domestic die steel GM varieties, is not.


Reprinted from: China Light Industry Mold